Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Best Ever Face Wash

So, I've tried it all, Clinique, Cetaphil, DDF, Trish, Lancome, Glymed, . . . . you name it and my face has met it.

On a whim, I picked up these wet daily facials and I looove them. They get off every last bit of mascara and even removed Naomi's airbrush in an instant.

Love em!

Sunday, February 22, 2009


I'd say my living room is about 80% done. The remaining big items are:

1. find another end table for next to my couch

2. frame map or other art selected

3. photo gallery to surround map, if necessary.

4. Reupholster existing or purchase a new chair

Truthfully, however, I'll consider it pretty much done once I achieve #1 and #2. The chair and miscl art can wait a bit.

Now that I have my lamps, I am considering the following end tables. I need something fairly simple, 24" high and reasonably priced.

All along I have been thinking about framing this map, which sits all rolled up in my spare bedroom:
But, I just found this series of New York and am loving it too:


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Sexy Beast

Never in a million years would I have considered this lamp for my living room (crystal next to leather????)but there I was looking for lamps and an end table in Lillian August and lo and behold, I saw a set of these pretties above next to a leather sofa very much like mine.
I dragged an incredibly unwilling sales person for her opinion (I swear, the women that work there can be such a$$holes), but once I described the room and showed her the other lamps I was considering she told me these were the best fit as I have a lot going on. It's true.
I just got home and when I pulled it out t of my car I had some doubts, but I have to say . . it's purrrrrrrrrrrrfect. So light and fem. Perfect in height/width, and the shade couldn't be a better compliment to my drapes and the woodwork. LOVE.
And so I swing back some champagne to celebrate. Alas, the long lamp search is complete. The only outstanding is to see if I can get a price match to Circa, who has them at $78 less each, plus free shipping.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Weekend Recap

So, it was not the best of weekends. I worked for my 19th and 20th consecutive days, respectively, and then went on to client meetings post each day. Last night, I did 6 loads of laundry, finalized our taxes, researched overpriced table linens and spent zero time with my child. I am so tired today my hair hurts.

Despite my exhaustion, I did reach some inner clarity. I decide on the etched gold lamps that I think will be perfect in all facets:

I also went to a neat little gallery in Avon that has a 40% off framing sale going on and picked out a frame I love for my map AND it was significantly less expensive than the one I previously had been quoted.

While there, I feel in love with this picture, which they had framed magnificantly. The price was not too bad, so I did in fact pick it up. I am not exactly sure at the moment where it will go, but am confident over time I will absolutely find a place for it. Maybe over my console table in the engrance with tall skinny lamps and black shades???

le sigh.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I spy more lamps . . .

Tonic Home, glamous as always and so very spendy . . .

Playin'. I even got cut and paste my map in, thinking I may not like it as much.

Lindsay = decorating retarded.

But if the shoe fits . . .

Dear ever so fabulous Moshino shoe,
In a measure of sheer desperation, I ordered you from Zappos last night after a month of searching high and low for the perfect foot accoutrement to accompany my business outfit for headshots.
Please, please, please fit so that I can end my search and be in peace.
Please, please DO NOT fit so that I can actually pay to live for the next few months.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

But is it fugly??

Not to blog plagarize from the fabulous Nick Olsen, but I fear no other term speaks to the current state of my living room than this one.

So, my lamps are in and I could not be more excited to greet them when I rolled in late last night after an agonizing day at work. I set them up and am . . . . undecided. I go back and forth between thinking they are fabulous and all wrong.

My husband hates them and calls them 1970s beach house, which is a pretty humorous, actually. I didn't know he had it in him!

Some other options I could do, I guess.

All honest opinions are much appreciated!

Monday, February 2, 2009

2009 Goals

Goals. I have lots of them for this year. Most of them are too personal to write publicly as they pertain to my marriage, my job and my business.

So, I will use this journal for flaky goals. Flaky goal #1 I have for this year is to successfully pull off white denim. As I am not tall and do not have the best legs, this goal is quite farfetched, but hell, it's worth a shot.

Where did this come from? No other than this email from Nordys last week.
To have stems like her. Le sigh.